Tiktok as a Resource for Educational Innovation in the Teacher's Degrees in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education
Educação Musical, Tecnologias de aprendizado e conhecimento, Redes sociais, Transferência de aprendizado, Tecnologia educacional.Abstract
The project “TikTok as a resource for educational innovation in the degrees of Teacher in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education” at the Universidad1 seeks to improve the digitization of musical learning through TikTok. Through the account @Anónima, Music Education students recorded and shared videos on musical learning methodologies, performance and dance. Using a mixed methodology, this study evaluates the impact of TikTok on the acquisition of musical and digital skills and the responsible use of social networks through questionnaires applied before and after the project. The results highlight the potential of TikTok as an educational tool in Music Education, underlining its high frequency of use and diversity of educational purposes. However, areas for improvement in specialized content are identified. A correlation is also observed between the musical education of students and the use of TikTok to learn musical didactic resources. The project confirms that TikTok is an effective educational tool and a global socialization agent, useful for acquiring musical and digital skills, highlighting the need to adapt the content for effective transfer to diverse audiences and pedagogical objectives.
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