40 Years of the Suzuki Piano School in Brazil





Suzuki Piano School in Brazil; Talent Education; Piano Pedagogy; Musical Education.


The purpose of this article is to discuss the arrival and expansion of the Suzuki Piano School (SPS) in Brazil. To this end, research was carried out on the topic, in which data were collected in semi- structured interviews, data provided by the Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA) and by course organizers in Brazil. It was found that 2022 marked 40 years of SPS’s arrival in the country. The first experiences of applying SPS in Brazil began in 1982 through the work of piano teacher Maria Elena Withers Pessoa. The importance of the International Suzuki Festival in Peru for the training of Brazilian teachers was noted, especially when the provision of courses was rare in Brazil. The most recent stage of the SPS expansion has been taking place since 2016, as a result of the recurring visit to Brazil by Peruvian teacher trainer Flor Canelo. The data obtained in the research also indicates that the Suzuki Piano Community is growing in Brazil, but there is still room for expansion, as the majority of teachers are concentrated in the South and Southeast regions, having only completed the first stage of training. Finally, the data highlighted the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the modality and intensity of SPS course offerings in Brazil, which motivated the creation of other types of Suzuki events and helped integrate Suzuki teachers and students from different regions of the country.


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Biografia do Autor

Izabela da Cunha Pavan Alvim, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais

Izabela da Cunha Pavan Alvim é doutora em Música (Educação Musical), mestre em Música (Performance Musical/Piano) e Bacharel em Música (Piano) pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Integra o corpo docente da Escola de Música da Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais e atua como professora de piano e musicalização no Ecos Centro Musical. Possui capacitação reconhecida pela Suzuki Association of the Americas e é membro da Associação Musical Suzuki do Brasil. Tem interesse nas áreas de Pedagogia do Piano, Educação Musical e Performance Musical.



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Como Citar

da Cunha Pavan Alvim, I. (2024). 40 Years of the Suzuki Piano School in Brazil. REVISTA DA ABEM, 32(1), e-32108. https://doi.org/10.33054/ABEM202432108


