Promoção da Autorregulação do ensino e da aprendizagem na prática instrumental de estudantes da licenciatura em música
autorregulação da aprendizagem, autorregulação do ensino, pesquisa-ação, licenciatura em música.Abstract
Self-regulated learning (SRL) is a process that involves thoughts, feelings, and behaviors aimed at achieving goals, in which students act proactively, guided by goals and strategies related to a given task, in the face of opportunities and constraints in the environment. We aim to describe a program to promote Self-regulated Teaching and Learning among students in collective and individual education in the context of music teacher education. Initially, a literature review on instrumental practice in higher education is presented, followed by a report on a doctoral research in Music Education, whose methodology was action research. The instruments for production and data collection were four questionnaires, virtual and face-to-face classes, and semi-structured interviews. The results indicated that promoting SRL in music degree programs contributes to the formation of a future teacher who is more self-regulated and aware of their actions in the academic and professional environment, who better understands how to help their students develop effective study strategies, strengthening autonomy.
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