For the love of children: music, education and culture
This set of ruminations is intended as ‘reflections’ on musical children, our own identitiesas musicians and teachers, and the musical education we design and deliver for our children. As athought-piece, it works from the premise that in our professional dedication to children’s welfare, weseek to honor children’s home-and-family music (and culture) even as we facilitate musical experiencesthat will grow their understandings, skills, and repertoire. Recognizing what children alreadyknow, and what their musical interests and needs may be, we accept the privilege of continuing theirevolutionary path in music, leading them onward in the further progression of their musical thinking,listening, performing, and inventing. Because we live in a cultural democracy, we do well to considerthe meaning of a musical democracy in our charge to open the ears and minds of our children to themultiple sonic possibilities there are in the world.Downloads
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